Pastor Christopher D Smith
Live Oaks Church - Shallotte, NC
Creating clear pathways in the Church & Community to experience Jesus
Live Oaks Church Shallotte, NC
About us
There is so much to this story. It is 27 years into the making and
we cannot wait to see what else is in store for our community, our church, and for our future. Stay tuned. It's a story only GOD can finish...
Live Oaks Church
Our Church's Beliefs & Values
1. Every person matters to God. Every person has a God-given story He is calling you to live. (Psalm 139, John 1:4, Philippians 1:6)
2. God loves unconditionally and authentically so we love authentically, like Jesus. (1 John 4:9, 1 John 4:16, Psalm 100:5, Romans 8:38-39)
3. We pray and praise expecting God to show up! (Matthew 7:7, James 1:6-8, Philippians 4:6-7)
4. We engage our community to create clear pathways for people to experience Jesus, both in the church and within the community. (Matthew 15:32)
5. We believe in the power or authority and relevance of God's Word. We preach and teach the entire Bible as the authoritative truth and know that God's Word will not return void. (Isaiah 55:11, 2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Live Oaks Church - Shallotte, NC
Faith, Hope, and Love
From the moment Chris & Kristy met while working at Fort Caswell Youth Camp on Oak Island 27 years ago, they have fallen in love with this area and the people. God has called them back to this region to start Live Oaks Church. It is a passion to see this region fall in love with Jesus and learn more about Him, His Word, and the Truth that God is for us all.
Pastor Christopher Smith
Chris, Kristy, Jackson, & Mollie
We believe in coming alongside other families to encourage, support, pray for, and share life together in order to better live the life to the full that is found in Jesus.
The Harvest
Shallotte, NC
Over 8,000 people live in and around Shallotte, NC. Less than 3,000 actively attend church. God wants to change that fact. He is calling our community back to HIM. He is ready to show you life to the full in Jesus.

Time, Talents, Treasure
Giving is from God. He gives so freely and so generously. Will you give in the same way? Will you give your time? Will you give your talents? Will you give your treasure? God can and will use it all!
Admit that I need God/Jesus because I was created by Him and for His glory. My sin has separated me from God, but His love, shown through Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection to life again, has made a way for me to know God.
Let God love me like I was created to be loved.
Experience this love through the gift of Jesus Christ.
Start a real relationship with Jesus by trusting Him with my life and letting Him lead.
Jesus loves you
Experience Jesus
Live Oaks Church is built on the Person and promises of Jesus.
Start Something New
Will you consider being a part of our launch team?
Please pray and ask if God is calling you to step out in faith and join our team at Live Oaks Church.

New Life
I don't know your past experiences with church or religion or what you may think about God. I do know that He has come to give us new life and a new start.
Start Today
New life begins with Jesus. It can start today.
New Creation
God's Word promises that if any of us are "in Christ" and trusting Him with our lives, we are a "new creation." The old has gone; they new has come!
Share New Life
God created us for relationships! He wants a relationship with us and He wants us to have deep relationships with other Christians and with all our neighbors.
Locations will be posted starting in June 2025

Where does Live Oaks Meet?
We are currently praying about an exact meeting location and starting date. Would you join with us in prayer as we let God lead?
Do you know how much God loves you?
Jesus is God's perfect example of love. He loved us first. While we were still sinners, Jesus died for you and for me. He is the very definition of love. His love for you carried Him to the cross to take on your sins and my sins and the sins of the whole world. He loved us too much to live without us. Because of Jesus, we can now have life eternal and life to the full. Ask Jesus to forgive your sins. Ask Jesus to show you how much He loves you. Let Jesus change your life.
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Thank you
Contact Pastor Chris Below